I feel as though I must share this! This was sooo FRICKIN FUNNY! So Phoenix and I are playing the game called, " SPONGEBOB, ANTS IN THE PANTS ", and you have to make the plastic ant jump into spongebob's pants, so I said to Phoenix, " Look Phoenix, you got an ant in Spongebob's Pants! SO..He goes into the bathroom, checks his underpants, and says, " MOM, I DON'T HAVE ANY ANTS IN MY PANTS ". We all just started cracking up laughing! It was the cutest thing and I just wanted to share it with you! : )
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Friday, November 21, 2008
Turkey's and Indian's!

Posted by 3monkeys at 2:45 PM 1 comments
Halloween Pics : )

Posted by 3monkeys at 2:04 PM 0 comments
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Jessica & Her Friend Kaylee On Halloween!
Posted by 3monkeys at 11:43 AM 1 comments
Labels: Halloween
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Posted by 3monkeys at 11:54 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
LOVE.... BUT LOVE...A house is a house is a house -until love comes through the door, that is.And love intuitively goes around sprinkling that special brand of angel dustthat transforms a house into a very special home for very special people:your family.Money, of course, can build a charming house,but only love can furnish it with a feeling of home.Duty can pack an adequate sack lunch,but love may decide to tuck a little love note inside.Money can provide a television set,but love controls it and cares enough to say noand take the guff that comes with it.Obligation sends the children to bed on time,but love tucks the covers in around their necksand passes out kisses and hugs (even to teenagers!).Obligation can cook a meal,but love embellishes the tablewith a potted ivy trailing around slender candles.Duty writes many letters,but love tucks a joke or a picture or a fresh stick of gum inside.Compulsion keeps a sparkling house.But love and prayer stand a better chance of producing a happy family.Duty gets offended quickly if it isn't appreciated.But love learns to laugh a lotand to work for the sheer joy of doing it.Obligation can pour a glass of milk,but quite often love will add a little chocolate.~~ Author Unknown ~~
Posted by 3monkeys at 1:07 PM 0 comments
Yesterday I was a basket case! My car has been acting up again, It's now back in the shop, My tire almost fell off while I was driving my car, I have been hearing a thumping noise lately thinking that maybe I have a flat tire, but come to find out I have been driving my car in it's unsafe condition! Also, My car has an oil leak as well..I just paid almost $3000.00 to get my car fixed, and now it's going to cost another probably $600.00! I guess money just grows on trees, every time something happens, I have to come up with more MONEY! This really is what started my emotional breakdown amongst other things, finances are really hard right now for my husband and I. We just lost out condo, I have credit cards that I haven't paid, I am going to have to file bankruptcy soon or I am going to have judgements against me and the creditors can garnish my wages! Also I am 3 monthes behind on my mortgage payments, We paid someone $1900 he is a mortgage specialist, he helps people that are distressed! Anyways, he speaks with our mortgage company and negotiates them to drop our interest rate and our mortgage payments, Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers because if this doesn't work out for us, we have to move.RIght now we have been looking at rentals in Frederick County and Washington County, we can't afford to live in Anne Aroundel County any longer! The houses are huge there and very affordable! This is what keeps me hanging on everyday!
Posted by 3monkeys at 1:00 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Phoenix gave me quite a scare last week...I get home from work and about to make dinner, I turn around and he is spitting out some pink stuff in the trash, So I said, what do you have.? I noticed he had a Benadryl bottle in his hand, and it's open and all the pills were GONE! He apparently got into my purse, and was able to get the " CHILD PROOF CAP " , off, needless to say, he was eating them like CANDY! The first thing that came to mind was to call POISON CONTROL..They advised me to leave my house in 2 minutes and rush him 2 the nearest hospital! I had NO IDEA HOW MANY HE INGESTED! I get there and they have to monitor him for 6 long hours..at that time I was exhausted from already working 8 hours....but I wanted to right next to my baby boy the whole time...NEXT...they had him drink LIQUID CHARCOAL MIXED WITH CHOCOLATE MILK, this kills the toxics in his intestines and he either vomits or when he goes to take a DOOKIE OOKIE...it comes out! So his poop has been BLACK! AFTER having to drink the yuckie stuff but will make him better, he passed out for about 2 hours! When he woke up he was VERY GROGGY..VERY AGITATED..AND JUST IN A BAD MOOD..I told the doctor he was not acting like his " USUAL UPBEAT SELF", SO THEY CONTINUED TO MONITOR HIM! ABOUT 2 HOURS LATER...HE IS SINGING THRILLER BY MICHAEL JACKSON AND DANGEROUS, AND I LOVE YOU BY JORDIN SPARKS....Finally....he is back to himself! I was sooo worried..THERE IS A PHRASE THAT GOES LIKE THIS, " ALL WHO IS WELL, ENDS UP WELL. " I do not leave medicines in my purse any longer because of incident that happened. The doctor who took care of Phoenix handed the bottle over to Poison Control whom is going to Contact the President of the company that makes BENADRYL...The bottle was supposed to be CHILD PROOF BUT WAS NOT! IF A CHILD WAS ABLE TO GET INTO THE BOTTLE, THEN IT'S NOT CHILD PROOF! THANK GOD MY BABY IS OKAY!
Posted by 3monkeys at 6:57 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
She has a good voice and all, but I am not trying to be mean but doesn't she look like a " YOUNG VERSION OF ELVIRA WITH HER POOFY HAIR AND HER MAKEUP " , I think her next performance she should sing...Elvira...my heart is on fire..well Elvira! hee-hee-hee....
Posted by 3monkeys at 10:41 AM 0 comments
It's hard to believe how much my kids have grown. They are each different with their own unique personalities! Phoenix is very intelligent for being 2, he says to his daddy, We going to the bank, make deposit, I get Wollipop! He loves his Wollipops! He has a bad habit of biting his fingers, so i say to him, fingers out of your mouth, or mommy will have to smack your hand, ( I don't like saying that to him, but goodness, he literally takes the skin off of his poor little fingers! Anyway, Mommy had her finger in her mouth and he said to me, " FINGERS OUT OF YOUR MOUTH ". YOU WANT ME TO SMACK YOU..SO HE COUNTS 1-2-3 AT ME...COMES OVER TO ME AND SMACKS MY HAND.He said do it again, I smack you! It's hard to believe Jessica will be going into the 7th grade next year..I am soo glad she is not boy crazy..most girls her age right now...are boy crazy! She will say a boy is cute..but stil thinks they have cuties...Thank God....She loves to draw with her Calligraphy Set, she favors her little brother Phoenix who I think he is a split image of her when she was his age! Christian is going to be in first grade next year..Time flies by fast ..my baby was just in kindergarden and now going to be starting grade 1 : ( He loves to play video games with his daddy...He is at his stage where he likes to mock you, not good! Mommy has been getting on him about that! He is doing soo good learning to read, and his writing is not bad for being in kindergarden..He loves school..All the little girls love him : ). I cherish every moment that I have with my kids...They grow soo fast! I try to put everything else aside, as far as leaving it for later so I can spend time with them!
Posted by 3monkeys at 10:05 AM 0 comments
I read this poem..and it really made me think of how your children grow soo fast...If you feel too busy to play with your kids or you say Not Right Now...Before you know it...It will be too late! They will be all grown up : ( So before you say those things....read this poem...It could make us mommies cry!
You were six months old and full of fun, With a blink of my eye, you were suddenly one.
There were so many things we were going to do,but I turned my head and you turned two.
At two, you were very dependent on me,but independence took over when you turned three.
Your third birthday; another year I tried to ignore,but when I lit the candles, there weren't three, but four.
Four was the year that you really strived.Why, look at you now, you're already five.
Now you are ready for books and for rules.This is the year you go to school.
The big day came, you were anxious to go.We walked to the bus going oh, so slow.
As you climbed aboard and waved good-bye,I felt a lump in my throat and tears stung my eyes.
Time goes so fast it's hard to believethat just yesterday you were home here with me.
And tomorrow when the bus brings you homeand you jump to the groundyou'll be wearing your cap and graduation gown.
So I'm holding to these moments as hard as I can,because the next time I look, I'll be seeing a man.
~~ Author Unknown ~~
A Close View of a Mother Holding Her ...
Posted by 3monkeys at 9:32 AM 5 comments